An online magazine that will release the winner inside you and assist you to build your confidence, self-esteem and problem-solving skills.

THE WINNERS CIRCLE includes articles that were printed in my previous publication, Magazine for CHAMPIONS, all with permissions sought and granted by the respective copyright owners.

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Widely acclaimed as the world’s greatest footballer of all time, Cristiano Ronaldo is clearly a winner.

Born on February 5th 1985, he started his life in a poor part of a small town in the Islands of Madeira, a self-managing region of Portugal, lo...

10 easy steps to be a winner.

Your progress in the WINNERS CIRCLE will be noticed by others if you;

1. Show pride in and respect for yourself.
2. Show respect for others.
3. Help around the house, you live there too. Find just one job you can do ...

In considering role models who practice the disciplines, hard work and career successes that earn them respect from their fans, it is almost impossible to find one as impressive and dedicated as Hugh Jackman.

This outstanding Sydney born ‘Boy fro...

Building your self-esteem is a huge part of creating your happiness. Perhaps the best part is that every time you do something that builds your self-esteem, you are making another person happy and grateful.

Building your self-esteem is the best va...

You should never underestimate the value to your reputation and the impression you leave when you practice courtesy and good manners.


  1. Do you say please and thank you?
  2. Do you give up your seat on a train or bus for an elderly person or a mother ...

It’s easy. Just switch your brain from negative to positive.

Ignore what you think are the negative things in your life and focus on and be grateful for the positive things. Never worry about things you can’t control.

Start by lowering your expect...

As a member of THE WINNERS CIRCLE you won’t be judged.

You will not be competing against other people or other WINNERS CIRCLE members; you will be re-setting the beliefs you have used to conduct your life.

By changing your beliefs you release the ...

Smart people devote much of their time collecting relevant wisdom. Rather than fill their heads with what I call useless information, successful people keep their brain space for wisdom that assists them to be stronger, more focused and better in ...