Welcome to The Inner Circle.
Smart people devote much of their time collecting relevant wisdom. Rather than fill their heads with what I call useless information, successful people keep their brain space for wisdom that assists them to be stronger, more focused and better in their chosen field.
THE WINNERS CIRCLE will introduce you to some of the world’s best role models and winners and they will reveal their pathways through life, what they overcame and how hard they worked to become the Champions they are. From here on you are in very good company.
Our featured writer and the World’s greatest motivator, Anthony Robbins will present his simply stated and brilliant logic that will put issues that concern you in clear perspective, and from his pages of knowledge, you will learn to re-start your life and become a winner in your world.
History is full of people who became an inspiration for us all. Many of the people featured in our pages had people around them who doubted their ability to reach their targeted dreams and who later marveled when those dreams were realized. Consistently achievers will tell us that they had a strong belief in themselves and belief is the key to realizing your own dreams. THE WINNERS CIRCLE is not about making you think you will be a world champion, it may happen, but in your daily life there are simple things you can do to be a winner. We explain those 10 steps later.
As a member of THE WINNERS CIRCLE you are already placed to become a winner at whatever you do. You will be surrounded by others who want to become winners, and your guidance is provided by the best people in the world who will assist. Each of those role models will say ‘I knew I could do it and I never gave up’.
Those words provide the clue to what you need to do. Motivation and inspiration provided by our role models will light up your pathway to being a better person. What is especially helpful and what we want to do is to provide you with the advice, encouragement and inspiration NOW so you get that headstart to enjoy a better life. Start being a winner now and be ahead of the game. Our aim is to empower you with relevant knowledge while you are young and when you need it the most.
Be clear on what it is you want to achieve, then take the appropriate action. With new confidence you can be like people who have done what you want to do. Study the advice from Anthony Robbins, read it regularly until you apply it without thinking. Your confidence will soar and the problems you had will be overcome more easily. Solving problems is a subject in this issue.
You will need to work at it, and don’t be afraid to fail because even the famous Albert Einstein knew that failure is a part of learning. Most of the world’s most successful business people have had many failures and we write about some of them. Failure is a lesson in discovering that you need to approach a task a different way.
THE WINNERS CIRCLE is about you. You are the winner and building your self esteem is so easy. You will love being more confident because feeling that you are in control of your life makes you almost invincible. You will stop fearing problems. We will lead you to higher goals and greater levels of personal success. You WILL become an inspiration to your family and friends. We guarantee it.
Editor and Publisher.