Building your self-esteem and confidence.
As a member of THE WINNERS CIRCLE you won’t be judged.
You will not be competing against other people or other WINNERS CIRCLE members; you will be re-setting the beliefs you have used to conduct your life.
By changing your beliefs you release the WINNER in you and your self-esteem and confidence will grow.
As a WINNERS CIRCLE member your family and friends will see an improvement in your attitude, behaviour and confidence. You will too, and from that changing improvement you will become happier and an inspiration to others.
Reset your goals. Make them achievable. Make being happy and confident your goal because happiness is the fuel your body runs on. Whether you sweep the streets or run a global business, just being the best you can be makes you a winner. Happy people have high self-esteem and confidence.
Think about this example about setting realistic goals:
- A sales manager is employed to manage a small sales team that sells dictionaries direct to
homes. Every day the sales team must keep knocking on doors to sell 10 dictionaries. - The sales manager knows that no one has ever sold 10 dictionaries a day but he maintains
that unrealistic goal for the sales team. - Each day the sales team sell 5 dictionaries a day and each day they believe they have failed.
The sales target was an unrealistic expectation and it worked against their success.
This is a powerful lesson: To build your confidence, lower your expectations. Grow in stages.
A new sales manager is appointed, and that person sets the sales goal at 5 a day. Every day
the sales-people come back happy and believe they are successful. They no longer feel like
they have failed and sales start to grow because as happy people their self esteem and
confidence has also grown. They are now a team of winners, not failures.
The famous car maker Henry Ford once said ‘Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right’.
This story above shows just one way how THE WINNERS CIRCLE is going to assist your confidence and self- esteem. You are now part of a large group of people around the world who are taking charge of their lives by resetting their approach to life.
THE WINNERS CIRCLE will deliver regular real-life experiences and wisdom from famous people. People we call role models, and their stories have one thing in common – they all failed. Some took years to reach their goals. Some failed many times, but they saw failure as a lesson in how not to do what they wanted to achieve so they tried again and again a different way until they became winners. At every stage they were building their confidence as they got closer to being who they are today. Don’t see failure as anything more than a learning experience.