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Widely acclaimed as the world’s greatest footballer of all time, Cristiano Ronaldo is clearly a winner.

Born on February 5th 1985, he started his life in a poor part of a small town in the Islands of Madeira, a self-managing region of Portugal, located in the North East of the Atlantic.

No one handed Cristiano his success. He earned it; worked hard to achieve it, and was dedicated to the disciplines and commitment only he could provide to improve himself. His impressive skills attracted attention at a young age and his future unfolded in stages as he worked hard to achieve his dream.

Cristiano Followed his passion and became better and better at what he knew he could do well. He practiced the key strengths of a winner. He says, ‘Your only competition is the person you were yesterday. Challenge yourself, not other’s’.

At the age of 12 in 1997 Cristiano was already making big impressions for his playing skills and his first contract was signed. He was required to move to Lisbon in Portugal for training with the Sporting Youth Academy. This was an early break in his career and an exciting time. At age 15, he was diagnosed with a racing heart which was corrected by surgery. Tragically, he suffered a serious blow when at age 20 his father died. The absence of his father was a great loss at such an early age.

At the young age of 16 Cristiano was a professional footballer. His successes since then are legendary.

Cristiano Ronaldo has shown great compassion for people who struggle or suffer loss. He understands what they are going through and has provided financial assistance to many families. He is an outstanding and inspiring role model and THE WINNERS CIRCLE is delighted to feature his pathway to success.

Known widely as CR7, his initials and jumper number, Cristiano believes in himself, overcame all obstacles and knows that success must be earned. This is obvious from some of his quotes:

Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable.

Never listen to the haters around you. Instead, take their hate as motivation and prove them wrong. The same fire which burns one can become the fuel for another.

I’m living a dream I never want to wake up from.

You have the ability to live your dreams. But you have to call the shots. Make a plan and take massive action. The future favors the relentless.

We don’t want to tell our dreams. We want to show them.

Don’t just talk about what you want to do. Go out and do it. People love the sound of their dreams and keep talking about them. But only those who work hard ever taste greatness.

I’ve never tried to hide the fact that it is my intention to become the best.

You don’t become the best overnight. You need to set powerful intentions every day, every month, every year, to go beyond your own reach and to grow to the next level.

If we can’t help our family, who are we going to help?

It’s good to desire success. But it’s equally important to care for your family. Without them, you won’t be where you are today.

10 easy steps to be a winner.

Your progress in the WINNERS CIRCLE will be noticed by others if you;

1. Show pride in and respect for yourself.
2. Show respect for others.
3. Help around the house, you live there too. Find just one job you can do to help every day. Why
should someone else do all the heavy lifting?
4. Make your bed each morning. This is an interesting, good-habit way to start the day, it doesn’t take
long and when you go to bed tonight you are going to enjoy a well-made bed. After all, you will be
spending the next 8 hours in it. So, do it for your own enjoyment. Soldiers and Defence force
personnel who live in barracks do it every day. It is character building. The speech by retired U.S.
Navy Admiral and Navy Seal William H. McRaven Admiral explains why this is such an important step.
5. Offer to do the dishes. Your mother isn’t your slave. Help out.
6. There will always be time for your social life.
7. All of these things show that you can accept responsibility and will carry your share of it.
8. If you want respect, you must earn it. You will find just how easy it is to earn that respect.
9. Clean up your own mess. Wash the car, mow the grass, put out the bin, walk the dog.
10. The WINNER in all of the above is you. Don’t ever think that simple good habits can’t deliver
Self-esteem and satisfaction. People around you will notice and you will be respected and admired
for your standards.

In considering role models who practice the disciplines, hard work and career successes that earn them respect from their fans, it is almost impossible to find one as impressive and dedicated as Hugh Jackman.

This outstanding Sydney born ‘Boy from Oz’, (a reference to his stage show on the late Peter Allen’s musical legacy), Hugh Jackman has a history of discipline and commitment that earns him the respect for always doing his best. His commendable career successes are evidence that effort and clear goals have resulted in Hugh becoming an international favourite.

Perhaps his following quote reveals the essence of his values.

‘To get down to it, respect motivates me, not success’

The first signs of Hugh’s talent started at Knox Grammar School in Sydney’s upper north Shore in 1985 when Hugh starred in the school production of ‘My Fair Lady’. He became School Captain in 1986 showing early signs of responsibility and leadership. He spent one year as a Physical Education teacher in a school in England and was 22 before he began to focus on converting his talent to a professional career in entertainment. He had become aware of his liking for acting which led to drama study at The Actors Centre in Sydney and a feeling of compatibility with the people he met at acting classes.

He once said; ‘I believe the more you do something, the less frightening it becomes, because you start to realize the outcome is not as important as you think’. This quote is interesting because it shows how he manages his challenges and fear of the outcome.

So many of us are afraid to try something different; something radical or risky, because we are afraid we will fail, so we never try. Hugh makes that observation about his career. This is a strong statement that leads us to why we need to learn from people who have conquered their fear of the unknown. So many people in history were adventurous and took risks in old wooden sailing boats for example as they explored the world taking their chances. Comfort zones might be secure, but they may also be limiting your ability to cross a line where you can be really good at something that reveals your skills or talent. You might be able to sing or play guitar, and as Hugh says; ‘The more you do it the less frightening it becomes’. This is because at each stage you get better and more confident at your chosen talent.

The list of productions, movies and stage shows that starred Hugh Jackman is extensive and impressive.

It was to be many years into his developing career that his global fame as ‘Wolverine’ was to ensure his future as a very popular and major box office success as a world class actor. His acting, singing and dancing talent was to be showcased in regular appearances on stages around the world and especially on New York City’s Broadway where he filled theaters with a growing legion of fans. The Jackman career is now well established and live shows around the world have kept Hugh very busy for much of his life as a hugely popular and diversely talented entertainer. Hugh Jackman sings, dances, plays guitar, piano and violin.

Hugh Jackman’s success is the result of perseverance and hard work, a commitment you will see as a common theme with almost every role model we feature in THE WINNERS CIRCLE.

Hugh has had a life filled with evidence of his determination and commitment to his career and family. He worked hard at what he loved to do and he represents the characteristics of a winner who practiced all the essential elements of success that THE WINNERS CIRCLE teaches and applauds.

Hugh Jackman has won an extensive list of major awards from his life of entertaining people, and yet he has remained grounded with no signs of the ‘diva’ ego that so many movie stars develop. He is devoted to being a good husband, father and family man who gains his respect and happiness from knowing that his behaviour as an individual delivers self-respect. There is no other way to get respect except to earn it.

Hugh Jackman’s commitment to fulfilling his dream has led to a life-time of self-esteem and happiness – He didn’t just get that fantastic feeling later in his life, he achieved it every day from a young age.

Hugh worked hard to create the things that make him happy and satisfied which is what we want for all winner’s circle members. He also assists other people to fulfill their dreams with his many financial donations to small scale entrepreneurs in developing countries.

Hugh Jackman is an inspiring role model, showing you that you too can have the life you seek and create. No one else except you can make the decisions and commitments you need to make you reach your goals in life.

Whatever your talent may be, focus on it, learn as much as you can from people who are good at what you want to do, get better at it, and draw your happiness and satisfaction in life from creating your self-respect. Close each day knowing that you took the necessary steps to being the best you can be. It will give you a powerful dose of satisfaction and happiness.

And, be patient as you build your dream, you won’t do it in one day. Hugh has been working on his success since he was 16. As Tony Robbins says in his teachings ‘Take one step at a time’. It is that first step that starts any journey.


Some inspiring lessons from Hugh Jackman:

On accepting responsibility: ‘There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can’t go through life obsessing about what might have been’.

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At an early age, a very young Alex Patis commenced a lifetime love affair with horses. From around age 3-4 she discovered she had a natural affinity with horses.

‘I started at Mudgeeraba Pony Club on the Gold Coast and progressed to jumping and cross country eventing throughout my teens’ Alex said.

‘I left school to become an apprentice Jockey in Melbourne to Brent Stanley at Cloud 9 thoroughbreds and at 17 I was accepted into Racing Victoria’s apprentice programme as the only female inductee for that year’ She added.

At age 17 Alex was seeing the early rewards for her dedication.

Looking back, it is clear that Alex discovered early in her life what she wanted to do, and by devoting all of her time to improving her skills she is now accepted as a successful and popular jockey having ridden 48 winners on horses that have won just under $1 million in prizemoney.

Alex has practiced what Michael Jordan and Anthony Robbins teach when they said ‘Take small steps’. Her career growth has been achieved in stages as she was learning her trade and improving her skills.

We asked Alex if the male jockeys accept females into what was for years a male dominated sport. She said ‘No, it isn’t a problem, the males accept us and there are a lot of girls riding around Australia now. I have found the male jockeys to have been supportive and helpful.’

‘Of course, racing is very competitive, and we all enjoy the competition which makes us all try harder’ Alex told us. ‘Jockeys get a fee for each race plus 5% of the prizemoney and that adds a strong incentive to win’ she added.

Alex’s drive comes from the same source we heard Cristiano Ronaldo tell us in his story – from a powerful need to be the best she can be. Her typical day starts at 4.00am for some track work and trial rides. Alex tells us that ‘Horses are prepared by staff who saddle them with appropriate gear for their exercise. Some can certainly get excited when I arrive for work, a bit like a friendly dog who knows it is about to get out for a run’.

Like many jobs there are risks in being a Jockey, but when you love going to work every day, the risks of putting yourself in a career you love are easily put aside.

Alex has been inspired by other jockeys as her role models and reflects. ‘Siggy Carr was a great and helpful influence in my time working in Tasmania. Linda Meech and Glenn Boss have also become strong influences and motivators for me’ She told us.

My career highlight was winning the apprentice premiership in Tasmania and also a Sunshine Coast win on a horse part owned by her Dad Rob Patis and Brent Stanley from Cloud 9 Thoroughbreds.

What next for Alex? Because winners never stop improving themselves Alex is currently fine tuning her learning and training in a 4 year apprentice programme run by Queensland Racing where Alex will improve her skills for media, financial planning, fitness – both physical and mental –  and a general education that will develop her and other Jockeys as athletes and individuals.

THE WINNERS CIRCLE teaches that coaching for success is a very necessary discipline that drives every winner toward peak performance.

Most of us don’t run into Jockeys socially very often, and, being a jockey has caused Alex to be of some interest at social gatherings. She says the most asked question is ‘have you ever ridden in the Melbourne Cup?’ Alex confidently replies, ‘not yet’. We can be sure that the Melbourne Cup is the pinnacle of every Jockeys career. From our experience talking with this delightful, dedicated, motivated and successful young lady we can only say that it won’t be long before Alex can answer the Melbourne Cup question in the affirmative. Alex Patis is already a winner – keep an eye out for her.

Building your self-esteem is a huge part of creating your happiness. Perhaps the best part is that every time you do something that builds your self-esteem, you are making another person happy and grateful.

Building your self-esteem is the best value on the planet because it costs you nothing.


On a recent trip to the city I saw a homeless man lying on the footpath. I noticed that people avoided him. I decided to talk to him and I walked over and quietly asked him if he would be offended if I gave him some money. His face lit up with a response that assured me he was pleased for the offer. I gave him $20 and he thanked me. His reaction was slightly emotional because I guess he wasn’t used to strangers offering help. The $20 was not much for me but everything to him.


What we can learn from this simple encounter is…

  1. I treated him with respect by asking him if I could assist.
  2. I did not assume a superior position to him by adding conditions to his use of the $20.
  3. It would have been disrespectful if I had said ‘this is only for you to buy food’.
  4. From his experience at being avoided by almost every person who ignored him I restored in a small

way his dignity and faith in people.

  1. He felt more secure for a day or two because he had some money and his pride and ability to survive

in a cold world was temporarily restored.


I also felt very good about the interaction because I had my self-esteem elevated. I felt good about being able to help someone I didn’t know to have a better day.


When people choose or are forced to be homeless perhaps because they believe they had failed life’s challenges, they may have chosen between suicide and homelessness. Choosing to live on the streets might be an act of last choice for them. Just imagine how you would feel if you couldn’t come home to a safe place, meals, family and a warm bed at night.


EVERY random act of kindness or assistance makes two people feel better.


  • If you help someone at the local shopping centre to load heavy groceries into their car, both of you feel happy. Open a door. Smile and say Good morning. Let someone go ahead of you in the checkout if they only have one or two items.
  • If you see someone who might be lost or looking for assistance, give it. Just a few minutes of your day to help someone builds your self-esteem. If it means helping someone to walk across a busy intersection, it makes that person feel safe and it costs you a few minutes of your life.


We said earlier in THE WINNERS CIRCLE that ANYONE CAN BE A WINNER. Anything you do for other people makes you a winner. Tony Robbins teaches you to take small steps toward your goals. Small random acts of kindness are also part of the small steps toward building and maintaining your self-respect, a result that only you can accomplish.


THE WINNERS CIRCLE teaches that respect must be earned. People you know who see you doing nice things for others will respect you for it. Even if no one sees you doing these things, YOU know you did it and that makes you a winner.

You should never underestimate the value to your reputation and the impression you leave when you practice courtesy and good manners.


  1. Do you say please and thank you?
  2. Do you give up your seat on a train or bus for an elderly person or a mother with a small child?
  3. Do you assist people who struggle to safely climb into or out of a bus or car?
  4. Do you open a door for another person?
  5. Do you send an email or card to thank someone for their hospitality?
  6. Do you follow the quaint old tradition of walking on the road-side of the footpath when you accompany a female companion? (Do you know why that is done)?
  7. Do you assist your female companion at a restaurant by moving her chair out for her and then pushing it toward the table as she sits?
  8. If you arrive at a door at the same time as a female, do you open the door and allow her to enter before you do?
  9. Did you know that manners can be the quickest way to get people to like you?
  10. Try it and see the look of happiness from whoever you assist.


You will be surprised by how much manners are appreciated. These are the small steps toward becoming strongly respected by other people. Manners are so easy to accomplish and that girl you like has parents who will notice how you treat their daughter. Guess who is going to be on your side if her parents respect you?


Never underestimate the value to your self-esteem of being liked and appreciated. It is the easiest thing to achieve and it creates enormous goodwill. You will stand out and be noticed.


Don’t dismiss the above points as being silly or old fashioned. Manners will never be old fashioned and people who practice good manners are highly regarded. We call them winners!

It’s easy. Just switch your brain from negative to positive.

Ignore what you think are the negative things in your life and focus on and be grateful for the positive things. Never worry about things you can’t control.

Start by lowering your expectations because life for a while will be different and knowing this, be prepared, and accept the changes over which you have little control, and you won’t face disappointment.

Don’t expect much, and you will be amazed at the difference it makes to your happiness. Feed your life with appreciation and gratitude for what you HAVE. Think about the hard times endured by your great grandparents and your grandparents as they prospered along with other Australians who pioneered our great country. They were tough and resilient. They didn’t have luxury cars, television, air conditioning, smart phones and hi-tech gadgets. They grew their own food and had none of the modern technology that you think you can’t live without.

If you have a house, a healthy family, a smart phone, a car, hot and cold water in your home, quality food, a television and a range of entertainments YOU ARE BETTER OFF THAN 80% OF THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD.

Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day

We are now living in a period of change. It’s only temporary. The threat of COVID 19 and the shut-down of many businesses is delivering a huge challenge to many Australians. The old saying ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’ now applies. More than ever we all need to focus on the good things we have, and how we will use this tough time to strengthen our character and be prepared for the future.

You may not have thought of yourself this way, but you do not have to be famous to be a role model.

Everyone in your family can be a role model. You can each radiate a positive, ‘can do’ attitude to all around you and it becomes infectious. Being housebound won’t last forever, and it will have a powerful effect as a lesson on how you value what you have – your freedom and quality of life.

During this period of time, winners will be enjoying their lives because winners don’t let challenges defeat them, they thrive on life’s challenges. Why? Because winners can overcome all challenges.

Lowering your expectations can lead to solving your problems. One example is that if you lost your job in any of the industries that have temporarily shut down, don’t seek jobs for which you are qualified because they may not be there. Offer your time to anyone who needs work done for them. Cut lawns, do clean up jobs for the elderly who need assistance with heavy work, do anything that creates income. Don’t set yourself impossible targets. I know of two people years ago who had both held very high paying jobs. They both were driving taxis around Sydney. It gave them a break from the pressures they faced in their careers. Unemployed and famous actors are often seen serving drinks in a bar.



Our standard of living has been so good that we accept good things as being permanent. Jobs will return and until they do the Government will keep your lights on, food on your table and all other services running. Take this time to refresh yourself and prepare for life after this character building period.

Be a winner and be a role model to your family. They need to know you are OK. If you are the breadwinner, you set the mood of your household. Emphasize the good not the negative. It will strengthen your family. Their spirit, happiness and hope is in your hands.

THE WINNERS CIRCLE is a National programme to assist you to flick your switch to positive. And, as Nike says ‘Just do it’.



As a member of THE WINNERS CIRCLE you won’t be judged.

You will not be competing against other people or other WINNERS CIRCLE members; you will be re-setting the beliefs you have used to conduct your life.

By changing your beliefs you release the WINNER in you and your self-esteem and confidence will grow.

As a WINNERS CIRCLE member your family and friends will see an improvement in your attitude, behaviour and confidence. You will too, and from that changing improvement you will become happier and an inspiration to others.

Reset your goals. Make them achievable. Make being happy and confident your goal because happiness is the fuel your body runs on. Whether you sweep the streets or run a global business, just being the best you can be makes you a winner. Happy people have high self-esteem and confidence.

Think about this example about setting realistic goals:

  • A sales manager is employed to manage a small sales team that sells dictionaries direct to
    homes. Every day the sales team must keep knocking on doors to sell 10 dictionaries.
  • The sales manager knows that no one has ever sold 10 dictionaries a day but he maintains
    that unrealistic goal for the sales team.
  • Each day the sales team sell 5 dictionaries a day and each day they believe they have failed.
    The sales target was an unrealistic expectation and it worked against their success.

This is a powerful lesson: To build your confidence, lower your expectations. Grow in stages.

A new sales manager is appointed, and that person sets the sales goal at 5 a day. Every day
the sales-people come back happy and believe they are successful. They no longer feel like
they have failed and sales start to grow because as happy people their self esteem and
confidence has also grown. They are now a team of winners, not failures.

The famous car maker Henry Ford once said ‘Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right’.

This story above shows just one way how THE WINNERS CIRCLE is going to assist your confidence and self- esteem. You are now part of a large group of people around the world who are taking charge of their lives by resetting their approach to life.

THE WINNERS CIRCLE will deliver regular real-life experiences and wisdom from famous people. People we call role models, and their stories have one thing in common – they all failed. Some took years to reach their goals. Some failed many times, but they saw failure as a lesson in how not to do what they wanted to achieve so they tried again and again a different way until they became winners. At every stage they were building their confidence as they got closer to being who they are today. Don’t see failure as anything more than a learning experience.

Smart people devote much of their time collecting relevant wisdom. Rather than fill their heads with what I call useless information, successful people keep their brain space for wisdom that assists them to be stronger, more focused and better in their chosen field.

THE WINNERS CIRCLE will introduce you to some of the world’s best role models and winners and they will reveal their pathways through life, what they overcame and how hard they worked to become the Champions they are. From here on you are in very good company.

Our featured writer and the World’s greatest motivator, Anthony Robbins will present his simply stated and brilliant logic that will put issues that concern you in clear perspective, and from his pages of knowledge, you will learn to re-start your life and become a winner in your world.

History is full of people who became an inspiration for us all. Many of the people featured in our pages had people around them who doubted their ability to reach their targeted dreams and who later marveled when those dreams were realized. Consistently achievers will tell us that they had a strong belief in themselves and belief is the key to realizing your own dreams. THE WINNERS CIRCLE is not about making you think you will be a world champion, it may happen, but in your daily life there are simple things you can do to be a winner. We explain those 10 steps later.

As a member of THE WINNERS CIRCLE you are already placed to become a winner at whatever you do. You will be surrounded by others who want to become winners, and your guidance is provided by the best people in the world who will assist. Each of those role models will say ‘I knew I could do it and I never gave up’.

Those words provide the clue to what you need to do. Motivation and inspiration provided by our role models will light up your pathway to being a better person. What is especially helpful and what we want to do is to provide you with the advice, encouragement and inspiration NOW so you get that headstart to enjoy a better life. Start being a winner now and be ahead of the game. Our aim is to empower you with relevant knowledge while you are young and when you need it the most.

Be clear on what it is you want to achieve, then take the appropriate action. With new confidence you can be like people who have done what you want to do. Study the advice from Anthony Robbins, read it regularly until you apply it without thinking. Your confidence will soar and the problems you had will be overcome more easily. Solving problems is a subject in this issue.

You will need to work at it, and don’t be afraid to fail because even the famous Albert Einstein knew that failure is a part of learning. Most of the world’s most successful business people have had many failures and we write about some of them. Failure is a lesson in discovering that you need to approach a task a different way.

THE WINNERS CIRCLE is about you. You are the winner and building your self esteem is so easy. You will love being more confident because feeling that you are in control of your life makes you almost invincible. You will stop fearing problems. We will lead you to higher goals and greater levels of personal success. You WILL become an inspiration to your family and friends. We guarantee it.


Editor and Publisher.